Animation (Work In Progress)
"Keep Running" is an experimental animated short film based on the poem of the same name by actor Sterling Suliman. The film is a poignant response to the death of Ahmaud Arbery and the broader Black Lives Matter movement, addressing the urgent need for creating living histories and equitable spaces for minority stories and representation in contemporary media, communities, and culture. This project is dedicated to the memory of Ahmaud Arbery and aims to amplify the voices, individuals, and experiences of marginalized communities. By translating Suliman's powerful poem into an animated narrative, "Keep Running" seeks to evoke emotional resonance and provoke thoughtful dialogue about Black joy, Black history as well as racial injustice, equity, and representation.
The film's research and development phase was extensive and well-supported, including an $8,000 UCONN SFA Anti-Racism Grant. This funding facilitated crucial aspects of the project, including hiring 3 young women of color as production assistants, ensuring that the production process itself reflected the film's commitment to empowerment, diversity, and inclusion. The team and I developed detailed storyboards, concept designs, and animatics, laying a strong foundation for the final film. This structured approach ensures a coherent and impactful storytelling experience.
I am animating the film alone using a combination of traditional frame-based animation, computer animation and digital compositing. Given the complex method of mixed media animation production, "Keep Running" is slated for completion in Summer of 2024. Once finished, the film will be submitted to various schools, community organizations, festivals, and screenings, aiming to reach a wide audience and foster greater awareness and understanding of the critical issues it addresses. It is a tribute, a call to action, and a step towards greater representation and equity in animated and digital media and society. Through its innovative approach and deep community engagement, the project aspires to leave a lasting impact on both viewers and the broader cultural landscape.
Community Engagement
To authentically represent the experiences and perspectives of Black and African American communities, the project involved crowdsourcing content from local youth and community members. This collaborative approach ensured that the film resonates deeply with those it seeks to represent, incorporating real voices and stories into its narrative fabric.
Educational Component
In addition to its artistic goals, "Keep Running" serves an educational purpose. The team created a comprehensive catalog of essential learning and key moments in Black history, integrating these elements into the film to provide viewers with a richer understanding of the historical and cultural context of the issues addressed. Once the film is completed, I will apply for another round of grants (2025-2026) to integrate interactive Augmented Reality markers into the time-based playback that act as a call to action and online learning component for students and individuals seeking further learning about key figures in Black history.
Intellectual Merit
"Keep Running" demonstrates significant intellectual merit through its innovative fusion of poetry and animation to address pressing social issues. The project exemplifies the power of interdisciplinary collaboration, transforming Sterling Suliman's poignant poem into a visually compelling narrative. By integrating extensive research and authentic community engagement, the film provides a nuanced exploration of racial injustice, equity, and representation. The use of experimental animation techniques, combined with real voices and stories from Black/ African American communities, underscores the project's commitment to authenticity and depth. This approach not only enriches the narrative but also contributes to the evolving discourse on how art can be a catalyst for social change.
The impact of "Keep Running" has potential to be profound, as it seeks to amplify marginalized voices and highlight critical issues within contemporary society. The project's dedication to creating equitable spaces for minority stories is reflected in its production process, which involved hiring women of color and crowdsourcing content from local communities. By educating viewers on key moments in Black history and fostering empathy through its storytelling, the film has the potential to influence public perceptions and contribute to a broader cultural shift towards inclusivity and representation.
The anticipated completion in 2024 and subsequent festival and screening submissions will ensure that "Keep Running '' reaches a wide international audience, furthering its impact. The project's ability to provoke thoughtful dialogue positions it as a vital contribution to both the art world and the ongoing movement for racial justice and equity.